Tuesday, 20 August 2013

DEHUB 2013 Report Series Now Published

dehub 2013 Report Series Now Published

dehub operates under the sponsorship of the University of New England (UNE, located in Armidale, NSW, Australia) as a research initiative specializing in promotion of scholarship for innovation in online and distance learning (ODL). In the project (which finished in March 2013), UNE partnered with CQUniversity (CQU), the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Charles Sturt University (CSU) and Massey University in selected research activities, forming a consortium of Australia and New Zealand’s largest and leading distance education providers.

The following reports detail individual research projects led by the University of New England (UNE) partnered with CQUniversity (CQU), the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Charles Sturt University (CSU) and Massey University funded by dehub.

1. Learning interactions: A cross-institutional multi-disciplinary analysis of learner-learner and learner-teacher and learner-content interactions in online learning contexts
D. Rossi, H. van Rensburg, C. Beer, D. Clark, P. Danaher and B. Harreveld

2. Managing Institutional change through distributive leadership approaches: Engaging academics and teaching support staff in blended and flexible learning
M. Childs, M. Brown, M. Keppell, Z. Nicholas, C. Hunter and N. Hard

For a summary of the report 'Managing institutional change through distributive leadership approaches', please see the presentation below.

3. Distance learning at times and places chosen by the learner: Adapting resources and learning behaviours for working with mobile digital devices
R. Jamieson-Proctor, P. Albion and K. Larkin

4. In their own words: Learning from the experiences of first time distance students
M. Brown, M. Keppell, H. Hughes, N. Hard, S. Shillington and L. Smith

5. Contextualising virtual interaction opportunities in the health sciences: Pharmacist and social work client counseling
I. Stupans and L. Orwin


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    1. Hi Daniel,

      Thanks a lot for the feedback on the blog, we really appreciate hearing the thoughts of those who visit. If you have any further feedback or suggestions in the future please pass them on.

      Kind Regards
