Monday, 6 August 2012


Three new HERDSA Guides were launched at the Hobart Conference in early July, which can be ordered online through the HERDSA website

1. Peer Observation Partnerships in Higher Education (2nd edition) (2012) by Maureen Bell

 In this Second Edition of her popular HERDSA Guide to peer observation
 of teaching Maureen Bell provides a comprehensive and practical guide
 for three different models of Peer Observation Partnerships:
 self-directed; guided; and coordinated. This is a practical guide with
 a scholarly base and is written to support colleagues working together
 informally for their own professional development; educational
 developers supporting partnerships and Deans and Heads of Department
 implementing faculty or departmental programs.

2. Using Stories in Teaching (2012) by Frances Miley, Amy Griffin, Barbara Cram, Robert Kennelly, Coralie McCormack, Andrew Read

 Using Stories in Teaching is a scholarly and practical guide to assist
 teachers in higher education. The authors outline the benefits of
 storytelling and how it fits within the broader category of narrative.
 The Guide covers practical aspects of using stories in teaching
 including where to find stories, how to incorporate storytelling into
 teaching and which types of stories might be suitable for different teaching purposes.

3. Effective Feedback for Student Learning in Higher Education (2012) by Iris Vardi

 Ensuring your students get good quality feedback that they can use is
 one of the most powerful ways to truly make a difference to their
 learning and satisfaction. This HERDSA Guide will show you how to plan
 for and provide feedback to students in a time effective way that helps
 them improve their learning and performance. Based on the latest
 research and models of feedback, this Guide is full of practical
 suggestions, insights and techniques.  It begins by examining the role
 that feedback plays in in the educational environment and then provides
 an overview and synthesis of the literature, providing practical lists
 on what improves and impedes student performance and confidence.

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