Thursday, 18 December 2014

NATA Culminating Seminar and Conclusion of Project

With the successful completion of the NATA Seminar last week, the NATA comes to a conclusion. The project has been a long and interesting process which has involved a range of organisations and a large number of individuals. On behalf of the project team I would like to thank everyone who has contributed and make special mention to the partner associations of ACODE, ascilite, CADAD, HERDSA, ODLAA, AARNet and NetSpot for their ongoing support. Funding from the ALTC/OLT made this project possible and we hope that the many resources developed, specifically those with a focus on educational networks and network leadership provide a solid foundation for further work in this area and improved networking practices.

With the conclusion of the project we will remove the @NATAonthenet Twitter account, however, this website will remain active. Please direct any future questions or queries regarding the NATA project and its outcomes to project co-leader, Professor Mike Keppell at the University of Southern Queensland.

Friday, 5 December 2014

ADFI Celebrating Research Seminar - Friday 12th of December

Celebrating Research Seminar 
Connecting and Collaborating: Leading Educational Networks in Australasian Tertiary Education
Professor Mike Keppell, Executive Director, ADFI and NATA Co-Leader and Mr Gordon Suddaby, NATA Co-Leader and Ms Natasha Hard, NATA Project Manager
Guest Presenter, Shelda Debowski, will discuss her HERDSA Guide “Leading Academic Networks”
Date:           Friday 12 December 2014
Time:          10:00 – 12noon AEST QLD
                    (11:00am – 1pm AEDT NSW VIC)
Location:    Blackboard Collaborate
                    (Details & link to session will be sent out several days prior to session to all those who have registered interest)
                    & Toowoomba Campus
S108 ADFI Digital Futures Hub

RSVP:          Tuesday 9 December 2014
                    Friends: Register via emailing
                    USQ Staff: Register via USQ Professional Development