Tuesday, 26 February 2013

ascilite live webinar - Increasing awareness of the GPRs

Technology-enhanced Learning and Teaching Report from TashHard

Today Mike, Gordon and I had the opportunity to talk with the ascilite community about the ALTC Good Practice Reports with particular attention on the Technology-enhanced Learning and Teaching Report that we developed together in 2011.

With around 20 ascilite members attending the webinar it provided a good chance to reach a different audience. We discussed the development and value of the report as well as providing an overview of the NATA and its relationship with ascilite.

The report can be downloaded here.

We conducted a few small polls during the webinar with the results listed below. These appear to support the idea that there is still not a great awareness of the GPRs within the sector.
  • Have you ever read or engaged with an ALTC Good Practice Report?
To this question we received 6 Yes and 7 No responses.
  • Have you read or engaged with the Technology-enhanced Learning and Teaching Report prior to participating in this webinar?
To this question we received 4 Yes and 7 No responses.
    There was also a range of different views regarding the number of GP reports developed when asked.

    A recording of this webinar will be made available to all ascilite members and the slides can be viewed and downloaded by all through slideshare.

    Tuesday, 19 February 2013

    Some points to reflect upon

    We met up with Tom (project evaluator) to discuss the development and progress of the NATA. Some of the key points that emerged from that discussion included:

    • Turnover of network members/representatives remains a constant challenge in maintaining an effective network.
    • There is very little alignment or commonality of interest between what the PENS and NATA are doing; resulting in little motivation to engage with each other.
    • The NATA may achieve the project outcomes/deliverables but at the same time fail to deliver a sustainable network. These are two completely different outcomes which we need to consider. Moreover, if we can’t make it sustainable why is that?
    • Evaluation approach – Phase 1 completed, Phase 2 is being done through the 6-weekly meetings and Phase 3 will involve a more formal interview-based approach.