Friday, 30 November 2012

Exploring the Challenges of Network Leadership in Australasian Tertiary Associations

2012 nov ascilite_nata_symposium from Mike Keppell

Mike and Gordon recently presented a symposium at the ascilite Conference in Wellington, New Zealand. The symposium titled 'Exploring the Challenges of Network Leadership in Australasian Tertiary Associations' attracted a small but engaged audience who provided some critical feedback on the project.

It was interesting to note the lack of awareness and understanding regarding the Good Practice Reports, validating the Network's upcoming activities in promoting their value and use in 2013. If you would like to access the ALTC Good Practice Reports, these are available on the OLT Website. Questions about the value of surveying members of partner associations was also raised, however, the idea of using a small number of targeted questions was seen as an effective way forward. Additionally,  it was suggested that at the end of the funded NATA project a council of partner association representatives be established.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

NATA Ethics Proposal Submitted

Just letting everyone know that the ethics proposal for the research component of the NATA has been submitted to USQ (Friday 2nd November) and will be considered at the next ethics committee meeting on Tuesday the 27th of November.

The research questions were modified to reflect the group's ideas put forward at the October meeting.

Research Questions:

  1. What network leadership strategies support good practice in leading networks to foster engagement of members in established Australasian Tertiary Education Associations?  
  2. What communication strategies, technologies, and approaches support good practice to foster engagement of members in established Australasian Tertiary Education Associations?  
  3. What common ground exists between organisations that could provide a basis for collaboration into the future?