Saturday, 30 June 2012

ACODE 59 Business and Networking Meeting

On Thursday the 28th of June, Mike attended the ACODE 59 Business and Networking meeting which was held in Lilydale, Melbourne at Swinburne University.

Mike presented an update at the meeting on NATA and obtained some great feedback and comments on the project.

Mike suggested that there are four parallel stages:
  • Phase 1: ‘Getting on the Same Page’ (face-to-face discussions, regular meetings, communication strategy, learning about/from each other) 
  • Phase 2: Research (survey, focus groups, interviews, partner projects). 
  • Phase 3: Dissemination (conferences, symposiums, presentations in each partner organization, publications, development of guidelines, connection to other networks) 
  • Phase 4: Sustainability (only if worthwhile) 
Slides from the session can be found at:

NATA project team include:
  • Mike Keppell (NATA) & Gordon Suddaby (NATA) 
  • Denise Chalmers (CADAD), Shelda Debowski (HERDSA), Helen Carter (ACODE), Gary Williams (ascilite), Trish Andrews (ODLAA), 
  • James Sankar (AARnet), Kim Edgar (Netspot), Marguerite De Sousa (OLT), Lindy Baker (OLT)
  • Natasha Hard (NATA), Maree Potter (NATA), Karen Halley (ACODE/NATA)
A discussion with David Cummings, Manager, Innovation, Learning Design and Professional Development at Open Universities Australia about networking and NATA drew attention to the following article: Granovetter, M.S. (1973). The Strength of Weak Ties, American Journal of Sociology, 6(May), 1360-1380. This article discusses the importance of weak ties (as distinct from strong ties) as they can enable access into unfamiliar circles and untapped opportunities.

Monday, 25 June 2012

HERDSA Round-table Discussion

Just a reminder for all those attending HERDSA in Hobart next week that the state based PENS are holding a Round-table Discussion on Wednesday July 4th, from 10 - 11 a.m. The room indicated on the HERDSA program is: the Federation Ballroom, TATAL 3 - Chancellor Room 6.

Representatives participating in the discussion will include:
  • Associate Professor Coralie McCormack (NSW/ACT)
  • Associate Professor Angela Carbone (VIC/TAS)
  • Ms Karen van Haeringen (Q-PEN)
  • Ms Chris Grimmer (Q-PEN)
  • Ms Suzi Hewlett (OLT)
  • Ms Marguerite de Sousa (OLT)
  • Professor Sue Stoney (WAND)
  • Professor Denise Chalmers (WAND)