Tuesday, 20 December 2011

National Networking Initiative Teleconference

The aim of the meeting was to provide an overview of the role of the NNI. Gordon Suddaby and Mike Keppell provided an overview of the draft vision, mission and objectives to the eleven participants. The overarching vision for the National Networking Initiative (NNI) is to facilitate a sustainable collaborative network between higher education professional associations with the intent of fostering best practice in Australian higher education learning and teaching.  From this initial teleconference a series of action items were established to move the Network forward to the face-to-face meeting in Sydney.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Ascilite Conference, Hobart

Professor Mike Keppell hosted a workshop that was attended by eleven participants as part of the dissemination strategy for the NNI in relation to the Good Practice Report on Technology-enhanced Learning and Teaching.

Workshop: Keppell, M.J., Suddaby, G. & Hard, N. (2011). Operationalising Good Practice in Technology-enhanced Learning and Teaching. ascilite 2011 Hobart, Tasmania. (Workshop).
Ascilite 11 workshop_gpr
View more presentations from Mike Keppell

In addition, as Former President of ascilite, Professor Keppell provided an overview of the NNI and its progress to date at the pre-conference executive meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an overview of the future initiatives. For further information about the workshop and the discussion see: http://mike-keppell.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/ascilite-workshop-on-good-practice-in.html